Membership Agreement
In order to be a member of our store you need to fill the form in our new membership form. It is very important that you fill the form accurately. With accurate information you can get the right product just in time. Being a member is a very easy and fast process. It does NOT require any obligations. Before you shop please read carefully the sales contract. You always have the right to end your membership any time you want.
Annulment of the membership
The member has the right to end his membership anytime he wants. In order to make the annulment you can send a “membership annulment” email to us.
The annulment cannot be done if;
1. The member’s last order is not exceeded 60 days.
2. With another email account that is stated in the membership form
3. We cannot reach the members personal data and communicate him
The annulment is done by OKYAY GELENEKSEL if;
1. There is an attempt of fraudulence by the member
2. There is an attack to our sytem